By R. Bourdeix, XXXX and XXXX.
In construction
The genetic stock of rubber was introduced to PNG from Malaysia. Some high yielding varieties of rubber were introduced to Cape Rodney and Vanapa areas of the Central Province and the Saramandi/Angoram area of East Sepik Province. Rubber is grown on estate set-ups as well as smallholder blocks. The plantations produce and maintain their own seedlings and clonal materials for planting, while the smallholder blocks obtain their planting materials from the DAL nursery blocks located at each rubber growing areas.
In construction
Department of Agriculture and Livestock

Leipzig, (1996). PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Country report to the FAO international technical conference on plant genetic resources. Prepared by:R.N. Kambuou, Konedobu, July 1995
Address : P.O. Box 2033 Port Moresby, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea.
Phone : (675) 300 7825
Location : Central Government Building, Level 2B, Kumul Avenue, Waigain, National Capital District