Main references about coconut: Agronomy

By  R. Bourdeix, 2019. In construction

Anon (1965) Smallholder sole coconut budget. Papua and New Guinea Agricultural Journal 17 (2) 72-75
Bailey, P., O'Sullivan, D. & Perry, C. (1977) Effects of artificial defoliation on coconut yields in Papua New Guinea. Papua New Guinea Agriculture. J. 28, 39-45
Baseden, S.C.; Southern, P.J. (1959) Evidence of potassium deficiency in coconut palms on coral-derived soils in New Ireland from analysis of nut waters, husks, fronds and soils. Papua and New Guinea Agricultural Journal 11 (4) 101-115
Carrad, B., & Bourke, R. M. (1985). Farming Systems Research in Papua New Guinea. Agricultural Systems Research for Developing Countries, 108.
Charles, A.E. (1959) Coconut yield figures in New Ireland trials. Papua and New Guinea Agricultural Journal 12 (2-3) 86
Charles, A.E. (1959) Nursery selection of coconut seedlings. Papua and New Guinea Agric. J. 12, 116-118.
Douglas, L.A. (1965) Some aspects of coconut agronomy in Papua and New Guinea. Papua New Guinea Ag. J. 17, 87-91.
Gallasch, H.E. & O'Donohue, J.(1976) Intercropping of coconuts with cocoa in Papua New Guinea. Cocomunity Q. Suppl. APCC/QS/18/76, 16-21.
Gallasch, H.E. (1976) Coconut nutrition in the Markham Valley of New Guinea. Papua New Guinea Ag. J. 27, 75-91.
Ollivier, J. (2002). Support mission to the Coconut Agronomy & Farming System section at the Cocoa & Coconut Research Institute, Papua New Guinea Stewart Research Station, Madang, 4-12/12/2001.
Ollivier, J., Akus, W., & Bonneau, X. (1999). Coconut nutrition in Papua New Guinea. CORD. Coconut Research and Development, 15(2), 76-105.
Ollivier, J., Akus, W., & Bonneau, X. (2000). Impact économique de différents scénarios de replantation de vieille cocoteraie. OCL. Oléagineux Corps gras Lipides, 7(2), 197-202.
Ollivier, J., Akus, W., Leplaideur, A., & Bonneau, X. (1999). Réponse de jeunes cocotiers hybrides à la fumure minérale en Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée. Premiers bilans agroéconomiques. Plantations, recherche, développement, 6(6), 415-431.
Southern, P.J. (1967) Sulphur deficiency in coconuts, a widespread field condition in Papua and New Guinea. Part I: The field and chemical diagnosis of sulphur deficiency in coconuts. Papua and New Guinea Agricultural Journal 19 (1) [18-24].
Southern, P.J. (1967) Sulphur deficiency in coconuts, a widespread field condition in Papua and New Guinea. Part II: The effect of sulphur deficiency on copra quality. Papua and New Guinea Agricultural Journal 19 (1) [38-44].
Southern, P.J., and Dick, K. (1967) The distribution of trace elements in the leaves of the coconut palm, and the effect of trace element injections. Papua and New Guinea Agricultural 19, 3: 125-137.
Sumbak, J.H. (1970) Coconut seedling establishment as affected by seedling development at transplanting as well as agronomic practices. Papua New Guinea Ag. J. 22, 6-25.
Sumbak, J.H. (1970) Effects of time of ammonium sulphate application to the growth of newly planted coconut seedlings. Papua New Guinea Ag. J. 21, 93-101.
Sumbak, J.H. (1970) Poor coconut growth in southwest Bougainville. Papua New Guinea Agric. J. 22, 1-5.
Sumbak, J.H. (1976) Progress of two coconut fertilizer trials in Papua New Guinea. Oleagineux 31, 427-434.
Sumbak,J.H. & Best, E. (1976) Fertilizer response with coconuts in coastal Papua. Papua New Guinea Agricultural Journal 27, 93-102.