What is the equivalent of the Tahitian "Heiva" in PNG?

... And does it already include coconut-related events, and events in favor of conservation and use of Biodiversity?

They are plenty of festival in PNG, and in the top ten, there is a Cocoa festival held in Bougainville. The situation does not look similar to those in French Polynesia, where a unique event gathers all the people. PNG is very diverse and they are plenty of smaller festval that reflects this diversity.

 It seems that they are two options that are neither contradictory nor exclusive:

1) to create dedicated "coconut days" as new kind of festivals
2) to insert "coconut dedicated activities" in more general festivals that may concern a wider audience.

Who is managing the concept and trade mark of "word coconut day" at the global level? May be it would be good for ICC to take officially the lead.... To be discussed.

The first coconut festival either organized in PNG will be held at Sir John Guise indoor complex.

Hotel close by at about 150 USD.
As usual I checked studios and houses close by on airBNB from 25th to 28th:

The two best

very closed, air con, 74 Euros per nigh:

Buena Vista Apartments - Allotment 10 Section 14 Hohola, Hohola, Port Moresby
At about 7 km. Appartment of two bedrooms, air con, 45 Euros per bedroomhttps://www.airbnb.fr/rooms/31103155?adults=1&check_in=2019-09-25&check_out=2019-09-28&children=0&infants=0&source_impression_id=p3_1568493668_VEw4oyyOxesUp6XM